Friday, October 17, 2008

Aligning Waterfoul

Although we have to talk to Mr. Hilgenberg in a few minutes, it looks like we're getting our ducks in a row for the crossing. Dawn and I taxied around town getting provisions and filling our propane tank. We got a lift back to the boat with all our stuff from the nice people at West Marine.

Our crew will also be arriving shortly. Brian Jeffrey is about to land at the airport, ~3 miles away, and John Fallon and John Sinclair are about to arrive with our other volunteer, Kent Ross (ham operator VE9KAR); so we are stowing materials, preparing the weblog, getting ready for Herb, and watching the dock for arrivals.

A third volunteer, Garry Brinson, was slated to come if the weather window was later in the week. We have to mention how much his offer means to us, even if we do not use him. The various volunteers had their own windows of opportunity. Volunteering to go offshore at this time of year is a big deal by itself, but few of us can volunteer for an event and sit around in a prepared state, without knowing when the event will occur. If this window falls through, we may still need him. Then of course,
there is always another leg of our journey.

So, we'll catch the "Herb Show", get the crews' gear stowed, and go to supper. We'll let you know tomorrow whether we're still tied to a mooring or out in the deep stuff.

Laurie (& Dawn)