Laurie and I have been working hard since April to prepare Cat Tales for the water and ultimately hit the high seas towards the Caribbean in the fall of this year. She has been sitting patiently in a boatyard outside of Fredericton for the past 2 seasons and is getting rather impatient! After we discovered a hairline crack along the undersides of both hulls earlier this year, we put it on the top of the "To Do List"! After much grinding/sanding, we refiberglassed and gelcoated. We are now in the process of bottom painting. Other repairs include; installing new lights and electrical at the top of the mast, washing and waxing the boat, bending on the sails and attaching the propellors and the dinghy. We hope to be "splashed" on June 28th!
After that, we begin the long list that has to be done while on the water! Will keep you informed!