Here is a view from Danny and Jo's balcony in St. Davids. Beautiful, don't you think?
Laurie and I were delighted to have an invitation the other night for conversation and pizza with Danny Little and his wife Jo. Danny works at Bermuda Radio, a government office that regulates, monitors, and assists the vessels coming and going to and from Bermuda. The office sits up on a high hill within the moat of the former Fort George, and is well equipped with radar and all the fancy equipment needed to do the job. Check them out at and/or at their website:
We dinghied over to St. David’s Island, tied up to a small dock in front of their place where Danny helped us tie up. We had a wonderful evening with lots of food and conversation. Danny assembled his signature deep crust pizzas, with a variety of toppings, and an amazingly refreshing fruit punch. It’s always wonderful to see and hear how the Bermudians live, and it amazes us how friendly people on this sweet island are. Danny and Jo know how lucky they are to be living in Bermuda, and to have raised a family here, and are determined not to take it for granted. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to get together with them again before we leave.
Yesterday, we trekked over the hill to visit the St. Catherine’s Fort, but it was closed. It’s funny, because when we were here last time in 2004, we went there on a Sunday only to find it closed. We have mistakenly gone there twice during this stay, both times on a Sunday. Yesterday, we thought we’d finally get to see it, but I guess they’re closed on Saturdays as well! We’ll try again this week. It’s a nice easy walk, so it’s no big deal to get there and stretch our legs. Two beautiful beaches are along side of it as well, so it’s never a waste of time!
We enjoyed a walk along the northern shore, and were treated to a view, from a height of about 50’ of 5-6 colourful rainbow parrotfish, each between 2-3’ long. Although the books say they can grow to 4’, we had never seen these fish that big, and were amazed. The colours made them easy to spot: vibrant green and red body, orange tails and fins.
Walter, from s/v Madness is now all set with the arrival of his extra 4 man crew. He has 2 teams of father/son which is really neat! The weather, however, is not cooperating for a Monday morning departure. We’re experiencing a system today with has winds directly from the south at 25 and 30 knots. We’re bobbing around here on our mooring ball getting our sea legs back whether we want them or not! Hopefully they’ll get away within the next day or two.