Below is Sharda and Dave. She is from Trinidad and he is from Oregon. They live year round onboard and have done extensive sailing in the Western Caribbean. She's a smart cookie and Laurie thinks that she looks great too...
On our way to Bequia, this beautiful boat followed us for part of the way. What form!
This is a common site here in Bequia. It's a busy place where many wish to be!!
Wendy and Doug from "Nahanni River" and Linda from "July Indian" joined us for a 2 hour hike up the mountain to the other side of Bequia. Apparently, the island has a contest for the best Christmas decorations. How do you like this one with the whale and boat and beautiful tree?
We stopped into a Whaling Museum (and I use the term museum lightly). This gentleman told us the history of whaling here and how it's still done today. His dialect was very strong, but we got much information from him.
Here is another one of these great chairs that our friend Ron can copy and produce!
Check out Doug and Laurie posing in front of this 'so called' cultural garden located on the edge of a cliff and spinkled heavily with broken beer bottles!
Another great example of signage around the island!
Towards the end of the walk, we ended up in a little fishing community. We didn't buy any fish because of the hot hour walk back to the boat.
People who live here work on the fish.
When we arrived back in Admiralty Bay where are boats are anchored, we stopped at our favourite Roti place and all had cold beers and conch rotis! Well deserved!!
This is Wendy and Doug. They bought their boat in St. Vincent in May and had never sailed a day in their lives before. They sold everything and are now adjusting to life in a boat. They own a beautiful 40 foot Leopard Catamaran.
Here is Linda from 'July Indian'. We met Linda and Garry in May in this same spot! Garry didn't walk with us as he was working on wifi troubles onboard.
For the hour I've been working on this blog, Laurie has been hard at work repairing our sliding door and cleaning out the track and greasing it up. We have been running the watermaker for the last hour and a half and are thinking it might be time for a swim before lunch. The reef just off the starbord side of the boat is pretty special and I have found 3 queen angelfish, 1 french angel fish, a big moray eel and lots of the common little fish.
We have New Year's Eve planned with "Nahanni River" and "July Indian". We'll be eating out at Mac's Pizzaria and then walking along the waterfront to enjoy music and a few bars. At midnight they do fireworks here in the bay which we'll watch from the boat.