For months now, the wind generator has had a nasty vibration in it and we have been trying to figure out what has been wrong with it. Upon close inspection this morning, I discovered that a tip of one of the blades had sheered off. I fixed it this morning by hacksawing off the other two blade tips, making them all the same length. We must have broken it last year some time. Dawn has just done some laundry in a bucket – rinsing out the sweat from past hikes. We made water and chilled the cold plate in the fridge.
Not all work, however. Each day we swim, and some days we hike. Last night, we had some other boaters aboard for drinks and snacks – Denis and Arlene, a Canadian couple aboard Tiger Lily II. We’ve known them from 2004-2005 down here, meeting them initially on the ham radio, Mississauga Maritime Net.
We are just about to leave for a walk and to try a Chinese restaurant nearby. We found a lime tree over in that direction and Dawn wants to steal some more limes for our happy hour. Before that, here are a couple of photos that Dawn has taken and commented on:
This is a view from the front of the boat since we arrived 2 weeks ago.
Our view to the north of Prickly Bay, Grenada.
This large catamaran arrived beside us this morning. Laurie always watches these big cats with envy!
About once a day the heavens open up and torrential rains pour down. Within minutes, the sun is back out and everything is steamy hot. This shot was taken at a restaurant Da Big Fish where we were already tucked inside watching these poor people arrive. After they came into the restaurant, the men took off their shirts, squeezed them out and sat down and ordered up cold beers. Their female friends disappeared into the washrooms where they did the same! Fresh water can only improve one's appearance around here, so no worries...