We took off for a very little trip last Tuesday, just to get away and make sure all systems are working. We left the Admiralty Bay area of Bequia, and sailed around to a little island only a mile from the south shore of Bequia. For Cat Tales, it was a six mile journey. The island, Petit Nevis, is about a half mile on any side, and is an abandoned whaling station. Actually, the whaling must have happened quite a while ago, as there is no sign of any whaling ever having gone on. In the ‘70s, there was an attempt to develop Petit Nevis; but now all there is to show for it is a broken pier, a half-mile cemented rock wall that was meant to hold one side of a road, and a concrete block construction shack. That’s typical for all the islands, where grandiose plans melt away to nothing within a few months of construction. We were totally alone there for two days and two nights, snorkelling, snooping, and reading. The snorkelling was good, and we got to see a large tortoise on land. No booty ashore, and no fish on the line either coming or going.
While we were there, Dawn helped me cook up come callaloo soup, with callaloo, christophene, onions, garlic, seasoning, and a can of crabmeat. It was very nice and fed us two large meals. Dawn also made a perfect pan of cornbread, my favourite.
We came back here early Friday morning, and, during a trip to town got invited to the catamaran Morgan for sundowners and snacks. With four couples in attendance, it was a fun time.

Here is Sharda doing her "Vanna" showing us the very best type of west indies curry to use in cooking. She is an excellent cook and has prepared many traditional Trinidadian snacks for us.
Here is a pic of the fishmarket, where we scored two pounds of wahoo, probably for Sunday’s plate. We paid 9 EC a pound so it works out to about 9 Canadian for the 2 pounds, enough for a couple of meals.

We’re just carrying out small chores, waiting for Tuesday, when we go to Young Island Cut on the main island to await Lorna and Brian’s arrival.