Soon after Walter left us, we realized we had an extra pair of sunglasses on board. We should have realized they were special and he would want them back, regardless as to whether it took us half a year or so to get them back to him – but we didn’t. We moved them on to the first needy soul we could find.
We feel quite bad that Walter has asked us to get them back to him, and hope he will be consoled with these pictures of one of our friends, showing how happy he is to have the glasses. This is Rasta John Marley, a trader in fish, beads, woven hats, and St. Vincent-grown spice. Boy, he sure is happy to have those glasses.
We are in a bit of a pickle, here; as the island passed an edict that no more water is to be sold to non-residents. It hasn’t rained in months – they didn’t even have a decent shower during the hurricane season. The good news is that we have been told our watermaker filter is in the mail to us. Hopefully, by the end of this new week, we will have it through customs and installed back aboard. In the meantime, Rasta John, no stranger to contraband, has smuggled out a 5 gallon pail of the precious, clear fluid. Yeah, he sure is grateful about those glasses. I hope he can turn the water shortage into some fresh business. John Fallon says Rasta John keeps care of his mother in Castries, with the money he makes taxiing tourists and selling bits to the French charterers.
Its an interesting thing, this water business. Last year, during the strikes in the French islands, Rodney Bay was filled with the boats that normally stayed in Martinique. They couldn’t even get gas for their dinghies. If this water problem keeps up, we’ll all be up there, sucking on their water hoses and eating baguettes and cheeses. The hell here never ends.
Dawn here:
Here are a couple of videos from Martinique. The first one is of 4 young guys who sang together in a quartet. One of their dads wanted us to hear them sing and we loved it. Click here to see the quartet.
Also, while in Martinique, we watched many parades and although I have a lot of footage, I have narrowed it down to this small sample.
Click here to view parts of the Carnival Parade in Martinique.
--videos by Dawn with her precious canon camera which travel everywhere in her purse.