I found myself awake and wondered why. I went to the bathroom, thinking: Well, that must be it. Crawling into bed, I become aware that Dawn’s awake as well. She tells me she’s been awake since midnight, and it is now 0145h. (I’m betting now that she nudged me awake). Well, it is time to go.
The reefing lines, sailbag ties, anti-chafe, and dinghy stabilizing was done before bed, but it still took us 40 minutes to have a coffee and “up-anchor”. We used the large floodlight to meander through the other boats in Prickly Bay, and to light up the channel markers in the dark. The GPS took us safely past the rocks a half-mile out called “The Porpoises”. The name suits them as they are continuously jumping out of the water between surges. Very dangerous.
The seas were down somewhat, and the wind was light. Dawn went back to bed, and I stayed on watch til 0600h, motorsailing mostly, but sailing some. Then Dawn got up and I got a 45 minute nap. We checked in to the Mississauga Ham Net, then took stock. The wind seemed as if it would stay light, there were clouds threatening some squally activity, but we took all the reefs out of the sail anyway. Still, we only sailed without engines for a total of about 6 of the 16 hours of the trip. The sea was irregular, but almost no salt entered the cockpit. No fish came aboard either; although my hook went missing, and had to be replaced. We listened to good music most of the day. All in all, it was an enjoyable crossing, with us entering the Boca on a slack tide and swinging into Scotland Bay to anchor.
We had worked hard in the last hour to ensure we could dinghy away from the boat almost immediately, as we had accepted an offer of drinks aboard s/v Zephyr’s Zest, a British Oyster. It was a great end to the crossing, and a good way to end my birthday.
We have since cleared in, and started our many chores. Still, yesterday, we took time to visit Zephyr’s Zest at Cruise Inn, where we spent time in the resort’s swimming pool. They are tied up to the dock over at Coral Cove and have A/C running aboard. We, on the other hand have opted for a mooring ball out in the bay. We are pretty sure that the next time we have to wait it out here, we’ll pay the big bucks and stay at Cruise Inn as well! As the pictures show, we had a major rainstorm while there.
Last night, we dinghied into a restaurant for a “Bake & Shark” with salad. The meal consists of a burger made with breaded shark. It is actually very tasty.
Tomorrow, with our morning haulout, the real work starts. We hope everyone enjoyed Mothers’ Day.
Dawn's turn:
Happy mother's day mom! I'm sure that Kathy is treating you royally on your special day!
This is our view today from our mooring ball in Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Of the many boatyards, this one pictured below is Peake's where we'll be hauled. (Peake's is also the BIG name in Air Conditioners!)
Here is Crew's Inn, complete with rooms to rent, restaurants and shops and of course this lovely pool.
When it pours rain in Trinidad, you needn't worry about being cold! Just go for a swim, or sit by the pool! (Or work on your boat in the boat yard...tomorrow!)
Here is Andrew, from the boat Zepher's Zest
Last night's menu for dinner at the "Wheelhouse Pub". 40 TT is around 7.00 Canadian! I have no idea how much those rum punches were!:)