We now have a new appreciation for John Denver's song. On our way south to the meet up with Cat Tales, we scheduled a stop in Denver, Colorado to meet up with sailing friends, Steve and Maria from the vessel "Aspen". We arrived on Friday night and had 3 full days of sight seeing, and exploring the area. I hope you can get a feeling of what we experienced through the few pictures. Many many thanks go out from us to Steve and Maria who entertained us royally. Besides seeing the sights, we had great conversations as Steve and Maria filled us in on their adventures over the past 2 years going around the world. Their boat is presently in Turkey and they plan to reunite with her in February when the weather warms up over there. You can read their blog by clicking on "Aspen" or click on the side bar of this blog. Our own time chatting with them about their adventures were as enjoyable as anything.
We spent a couple of days getting out in the wide open exploring the mountains around Denver. We checked regularly the height above sea level as we meandered up and down mountains and through passes, and traveled regularly from 6000 feet to 12000 feet, ears popping and dry nose complaining, and sometimes aware of not getting enough oxygen. We crossed the "Great Divide" a few times; this is the point where the rain and water drains either toward the east or to the west. Highlights included driving across mountain passes above 12000 feet to see a few of the fifty two 14000 foot peaks in the state, driving through old western and mining towns and trendy skiing resorts, amazing canyons, interesting restaurants, and fantastic geology.
Heading up the long, long stairway at the Red Rock Canyon open-air Theatre.
Here is just one year of entertainment at the open-air Red Rock Theatre!
At the top of the stairway at the open-air theatre, we paused to catch our breath and take a group shot.
Picking up the mail at Steve and Maria's in rural Colorado in "Pine" about an hour and a half outside of Denver.
We saw lots of wildlife, but this big guy was sitting in the yard waiting for us when we returned home from a road trip!
Marie and Steve are renovating their house which they live in when not on board their boat "Aspen". Exciting times watching the progress!
A Forest Gump restaurant at Breckenridge Mountain where we wandered around and shopped ("BubbaGump Cafe").
We took in a 3D movie and have the glasses to prove it! The boys loved "Immortals"; however, the gals decided we would have appreciated the "Happy Feet 2" movie down the hall!
We have been tossed deeply into the social life here in Trinidad! The weekly potluck was last night and the US thanksgiving is tonight here at Peake's boatyard under the mango trees. It's a bit of a challenge to find and cook a dish to share when our cupboards are bare at the moment, but that's a small problem in the scheme of things!