Friday, November 28, 2008

Crew of Cat Tales is living easy

Dawn here:
There has been no wind, and we have been motoring for near 48 hours through 27C heat. Last night, our watches started with Grant staying up until midnight. Laurie got up a little late and relieved Grant at 12:30 and I relieved Laurie at 3:30. When Grant woke up this morning at 6:00, I told him to go back to bed, however, the sun was just coming up, we had a ship about 13 miles off our starboard side and had about 4 large squalls developing and dumping rain on their areas. He had no intentions
of missing all the excitement! We wished we could be in such a squall to clean off the boat, however it wasn't to be. Laurie didn't get up until he was needed on the Ham Radio at 8:15 so he was able to get a couple more winks.

We would have put this blog together earlier but we had a big domino game started last night to finish. Grant was winning big time when we went to bed and he was anxious to get the game over so he could gloat over his winning. Laurie pulled up from the rear and beat the pants off both Grant and I!! Can you little wind way out here that we were able to play dominoes and not have them fall over!! A far cry from when Kent and Brian were aboard from Newport. I still recall Kent vowing
not to eat Lasagna for a while, after seeing the same meal more than once (the one he ate).

Laurie here:

Jeeze, Dawn makes it sound so idyllic. In actual fact, we're run ragged under this blistering heat. Yesterday, we found that flying fish, and, not one to be wasteful with bait, we fished most of the morning and some of the afternoon. Takes a lot out of you, watching that line troll behind. Then today, we had the morning Ham net, washed some of the salt off the boat, and did a fuel transfer. Then we... well I guess that was it, unless you count taking the time to eat, drink, chat, read a book.
Truly, the hell here never ends.

Grant here:

Laurie made me carry two jerry cans of fuel from the bow locker to the tank at the stern. I wish he'd leave me alone!