Friday, November 21, 2008

Heading South

Well, the time has come. We've played long and hard here in Bermuda with both locals and other sailors, exercising our bus passes and seeing every canon on the island! Grant has arrived today to help us get the boat to the BVI's. We'll be heading over to the White Horse Tavern, a definite must do for all sailors coming and going! He lucked out with the weather today, because we've had gale force winds for most of the week and we'll get another blast later tonight and all day tomorrow. I had
garbage bags all set for his luggage, however, no need today!

Herb Hilgenburg told us yesterday that we should stay here until the storm on Saturday passes. That means, we'll either leave on Saturday evening, or wait until the morning. There are several boats here that have been awaiting this weather window, so I think we'll have some company. We'll certainly be lined up at the customs office to clear out! The buzz is that we'll have light winds and may have to motor a fair bit. Well, am I unhappy about that...not a bit!

Laundry hangs all over the boat on this sunny day, which believe me is an uplifting feeling! We'll be packing much of it away as we won't need much of this down south.

We've been invited to dinner on a local's boat this evening. Uptown is a friendly local who loves to cook and entertain sailors who arrive here. A couple of weeks ago Uptown took Walter and his wife Dana from the boat "Madness" sailing from here to the other side of the island, stopping at all his favourite spots. They kept wondering what they would be owing him, but he does it for the pure kindness and generosity. We will go there tonight in the high winds, getting soaked as usual in our
much for clean clothes! Kristen and Dave from "Sayonara" and Pam and Bill from "Songbird" will also be going. Uptown said he'd cook fresh fish and chicken, and we all volunteered to fill in the rest of the meal with salads, and snacks. If you go to the "Madness" blog - link on the left of this page, you can read about their time with Uptown.

What a great time we're having. It's almost difficult to leave, but everyone will be following us south, one by one! Pam and Bill arrived with a totally blown out main sail and will stay on for 4 or 5 weeks while they wait for a sail to be made. Kristen and Dave have one more week to await her dad who is coming here to help crew the boat to Antigua.