Laurie says the picture reminds him of the creatures in "Alien Resurrection" If this is so, I'm happy that I don't watch that kind of crap!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Close Encounters in the deep!
A few days ago while in Anse a la Barque I decided to leave Laurie back on the boat and snorkel over to a spot where we had been the day before. I hardly ever go alone, but I had the need to find a fish called a spotted drum I had seen and was on the search, this time with my camera in hand. I was still in rather cloudy water and knew that it would clear as I got closer to the point. Here I am, just swimming along and something caught my eye. It was not a fish, but I couldn't determine just what it was at first. Maybe a small shark with a sucker fish on it's back?? Alligator crossed my mind, but I know they aren't salt water creatures and aren't found in this neck of the world. My heart raced as I realized it was an iguana, at least three feet long! I had NO idea that they would swim in the ocean, nor did I ever imagine that they'd swim about 3 feet under the surface. I was shaking like a leaf, not sure if he'd consider me a threat and come after me. After all, iguanas chased Laurie right off a Bahama island in 2006. When he swam on by, I grabbed the opportunity to take his picture. It's not a great shot, but he's still there, so it's a "confirmed" siting! It reminded me of the old t.v. show "WKRP" when they threw the turkeys out of the plane and Mr. Carleson said, "God as my witness, I didn't know turkeys couldn't fly!" Well, God as my witness, I didn't realize that iguanas would swim! I know they might swim in the Galapagos, but I have never seen any iguanas in my Caribbean fish identification books!

Laurie says the picture reminds him of the creatures in "Alien Resurrection" If this is so, I'm happy that I don't watch that kind of crap!!
Laurie says the picture reminds him of the creatures in "Alien Resurrection" If this is so, I'm happy that I don't watch that kind of crap!!