Saturday, the three crews agreed to meet on the beach and bring something to grill and something to share.
We were the first to hit the beach, so there are no pictures, but it was an uneventful landing. It's always tricky to land in the surge and not get caught up in a wave. Many times, we have had unsuccessful landings and end up swamping the boat and soaking the crew. You have to watch the waves and come in just after a large one hits the beach, hoping that you'll be involved in a few smaller waves.
The crew of 'Free Spirit', Alex and John follow us into the beach.
Another successful landing with the surf. Notice John getting the motor up as quickly as he can, while Alex is ready to jump out and haul the boat to safety.
The crew of 'Clarity', Rick and Deb, lines up as the next dinghy to hit the beach.
Check out Deb getting clear of any action! You'd think she has done this before!
Before lighting the BBQ, we had a little game of Boule.
Rick cooks while the boys supervise.
Dinner's ready!